- Agenda: (See Below)
- Minutes:
1-13-25 Minu
Agenda Items
Requests to Address the Board
- <None Yet>
Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide their physical address. Comments to the board are generally limited to 3 minutes.
Mayor’s Report
- Walking track paving grant
- Appoint Vice Mayor
- Update current board of ongoing grants & projects
- Upcoming Committee meetings
- Winter Weather future preparations
- Landfill Clean up
Department Reports
Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
- Pass on second and final reading of Ordinance 2024-285, an ordinance to change the maximum amount for purchase without public advertisement.
- Update on Lee St Road Repair
New Business
- Accept & award Bids for the South Main/Ashley St Sidewalk Project.
- Approve an additional $137.52 (total of $2.537.52) to PO A-6736 to Thompson Machinery for travel
- Approve up to $13,00.00 to Parker Heating & Cooling for Unit and installation at the Water Treatment Plant.
Regular Items for Approval
- Minutes of December 23, 2024
- Payables