May 30, 2024 (Called Meeting)

Agenda: (Published in Call / Below) Minutes: 05-30-24 Special Called Meeting Minutes The Board will meet / met for the following purposes: Approve Purchases Approve $2,102.95 to Lee’s Garage for Engine 3 Repair (Water level light, Hose reel leak, Discharge...

May 13, 2024

Agenda: (See Below) Minutes: 05-13-24 Meeting Minutes Agenda Items Requests to Address the Board <None Yet> Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide...
2023 Water Quality Report

2023 Water Quality Report

City of Dyer Utilities is pleased to present its 2023 Consumer Confidence Report. The report shows no violations for the 2023 calendar year. Detailed testing information is available in the report as well as valuable information about the water system in Dyer....