Agenda Items

Requests to Address the Board

  • <None Yet>

Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide their physical address. Comments to the board are generally limited to 3 minutes.

Mayor’s Report

  • Thank Fire & Police for Preparing and Standing By Before Storm
  • Movie on Saturday, May 18 – Wonka

Department Reports

Committee Reports

Unfinished Business

New Business

  • Approve $3,250.00 to CrimeStar for Additional Officer License & Annual Support
  • Approve $1,945.00 to Higdon Electric to Move Service Entrance at Industrial Park Pump Building
  • Approve $2,125.00 to Needham Construction for Roof Labor at Industrial Park Pump Building
  • Approve $1,375.00 to City Lumber Company for Supplies for Roof at Industrial Park Pump Building
  • Authorize Signing NPP Gov Cooperative Purchasing Interlocal Agreement
  • Approve $51,547.38 to Siddons-Martin Emergency Group / Arctic for Fire Department SCBA Fill Station under NPP Gov Cooperative Purchasing Contract PS20090 (100% Grant Funded – State Volunteer Firefighter Grant)

Regular Items for Approval

  • Minutes of April 22, 2024
  • Payables