Agenda Items

Requests to Address the Board

  • <None Yet>

Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide their physical address. Comments to the board are generally limited to 3 minutes.

Mayor’s Report

  • Bicentennial Street Dance – Thank You
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Park Grant Award

Department Reports

Committee Reports

  • Finance, Administration, and Personnel Committee
    • Hire Full-Time Water & Wastewater Assistant at FT1 Rate

Unfinished Business

New Business

  • Approve up to $4,840.00 to Lee’s Garage for Annual Service on Fire Apparatus and Pump Testing
  • Approve $2,090.00 to Alford’s Tire for Backhoe Tires
  • Approve $31,963.93 to Absolute Construction for Flood Mitigation & Building Renovations at EMS Building (Insurance Reimbursed)
  • Approve up to $1,750.00 to Twin City Barns for New Roof on Gazebo at Mini Park (Black Metal Roof)
  • Approve Back Pay for Student Worker and Approve Seasonal Employee Through December 31, 2023 (Work Based Learning)
  • Approve up to $6,000.00 to Branson Trackhoe for Drainage Work, Walking Track Dirt Work at David Robinson Recreation Park
  • Approve PO A-6277 to Hawkins, Inc. for $1,557.00 for Water Department Chemicals

Regular Items for Approval

  • Minutes of October 9, 2023
  • Payables