Agenda Items

Requests to Address the Board

  • <None>

Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide their physical address. Comments to the board are generally limited to 3 minutes.

Mayor’s Report

  • South Main Sidewalk Bids – 1 Bidder – Poynor Concrete, LLC @ $14,822.50

Department Reports

Committee Reports

  • Updates from Other Committees – Movie Series / $395per Movie x 4 Movies
    Partner with Dyer Station for July Movie

Unfinished Business

  • Pass on 2nd Reading Ordinance 2024-280 (Rezoning 682 North Main from B-1 to R-1)

New Business

  • Adopt Resolution 2024-340 (Revising Bulk Waste Policies)
  • Approve Board Motion 2024-001 Revising Street Department Compensation
  • Approve up to $3,500.00 to Higdon Electric for Water Plant Parts (Motherboard, Relay Bridge, Probes, Wiring Harness, etc) and Installation
  • Approve $,1900.00 to Hawkins, Inc. for Purchase of Spill Containment Boxes for WWTP
  • Approve up to $15,000.00 to PRI for Asphalt Repair (Water & Sewer) under Existing Contract
  • Approve up to $11,000.00 to PRI for Asphalt Repair (Not Water & Sewer) under Existing Contract
  • Approve up to $3,000.00 to Global Track Warehouse for Skid-Steer Tracks

Regular Items for Approval

  • Minutes of March 11, 2024
  • Payables