Agenda Items

Requests to Address the Board

  • <None>

Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide their physical address. Comments to the board are generally limited to 3 minutes.

Mayor’s Report

  • Valve Insertion Bids – 2 Valves – 1 Bid Received: G&C Supply @ $14,400.00
  • Removal of Tree at Park

Department Reports

Committee Reports

  • Fire Committee – Hiring / Appointment Firefighters

Unfinished Business

New Business

  • Approve $3,300.00 to Rogers Hydrant Service for Replacement of Hydrant at Ashley & Main
  • Approve $4,758.11 to G&C Supply for Fire Hydrant and Parts for Replacement of Hydrant at Ashley & Main
  • Pass on 1st Reading Ordinance 2024-280 (Rezoning 682 North Main from B-1 to R-1)
  • Approve $7,475.00 to Strahl LLC for Purchase of Pan/Tilt Anaconda Sewer/Pipe Camera
  • Approve PO A-6396 to Jones Sales Co for $1,305.00 for Polymer for WWTP
  • Approve PO A-6405 to Zoll Medical Corp for $1,276.17 AutoPulse Bands
  • Approve PO A-6409 to Hawkins, Inc. for $1,730.37 for Water Dept Chemicals

Regular Items for Approval

  • Minutes of February 12, 2024
    No Meeting was Held on February 26, 2024 due to Lack of Quorum
  • Payables