Agenda Items

Requests to Address the Board

  • <None as Yet>

Anyone wishing to address the board should contact City Hall by noon Friday in order to be placed on the agenda. Members of the public should provide their physical address. Comments to the board are generally limited to 3 minutes.

Mayor’s Report

  • Richard Pugh Retirement

Department Reports

  • Fire Department – Hire & Appoint Firefighter

Committee Reports

Unfinished Business

  • Pass on Second and Final Reading Ordinance 2023-278 (Garbage Rate Adjustment)
  • Pass on Second and Final Reading 2023-279 (Amend 2022-2023 Annual Budget)
  • Pass on Second and Final Reading 2023-280 (2023-2024 Annual Budget & Tax Levy)

New Business

  • Approve Utility Account Write-Offs
  • Adopt Resolution 2023-336 (Revising Bulk Waste Policies)
    This resolution will eliminates the twice-monthly bulk drop-off at the wastewater treatment plant, and outlines the current monthly curbside bulk pickup system for residential customers.

Regular Items for Approval

  • Minutes of June 12, 2023
  • Payables